Patient Safety Awareness Week 2021

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Patient Safety Awareness Week is upon us once more! MEG supports this annual initiative and we will be doing our part to raise the awareness of patient safety and recognise work already been done in this area.

We encourage you to acknowledge and celebrate local, national and international efforts to improve safe care and visit the Institute of Healthcare Improvement for more information on their Patient Safety Awareness campaign.

MEG’s mission to help drive a culture of quality improvement is founded on the belief that the ability to improve care quality and patient safety lies primarily in the hands of frontline healthcare workers: they are the people who do the work and know best how to make things better.

Over the coming week, we’ll highlight how MEG’s Incident Reporting & Risk module focuses on a better experience for the working lives of frontline staff. In close collaboration with team leaders, MEG’s modules and tools ensure everyone is truly empowered to improve the quality of care they deliver to their patients.

Looking forward to the week ahead. Have a safe one!

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If you like to learn more about MEG’s General and Medication Incident Reporting tool and Risk Management (including Risk Register) module, click the button below to book a personalized demo.