Past & Upcoming Webinars & Events

Transforming Clinical Pharmacy with MEG’s Clinical Pharmacy Module - Now Available On-Demand!

Are you ready to learn how digital transformation is revolutionising clinical pharmacy? Access our exclusive on-demand webinar to discover the journey of the clinical pharmacy team at St John's Hospital, Limerick, as they transitioned from traditional methods to cutting-edge digital tools.

‘Master IP&C: Global Tools & Strategies Revealed’

This webinar offers IPC leaders a overview of the most effective digital tools and strategies validated by global success stories. Viewers will benefit from insights into optimising IPC practices, enhancing data-driven decision-making, and achieving superior outcomes through proven KPIs and dashboard setups.


How Electronic Auditing Revolutionised Management Feedback & Helped Provide Assurance to All During COVID-19

Join our engaging on-demand webinar to discover actionable strategies for improving IPC governance and quality assurance.

Gain insights from COVID-19's lessons for IPC governance in healthcare settings. See how New Zealand’s Waitemata DHB IPC and Quality leaders embraced a digital-first approach, streamlining audit processes and fostering agility among their staff. Learn about the digital tools that drive effective IPC program outcomes and reduce risks for staff and patients.


Implementing a Digital System for IPC Audit Management

Understand how IPC teams can quickly and effectively identify compliance issues and provide real-time feedback, enable high staff engagement and rapidly develop effective quality improvement strategies at the ward level.

During this on-demand webinar, we’ll hear from Sandi Gamon, the Quality Lead & IPC CNS at Waitemata DHB. By proactively managing their IV compliance audits using a digital audit management system, the Waitemata team were able to reduce data collection times and reporting times.

Real-time reporting enabled significant issues to be addressed immediately and common issues identified for further project work.

Sandi will outline the challenges she initially faced getting ‘buy-in’ for the digital system, how she overcame those, the results she and her team achieved and how she plans to build on those successes.

Clinical Audit for Improvement Conference 2020 (virtual event)

In this 10-minute ‘on-demand’ webinar, we will get viewers up to speed on development in digital auditing and QI by focusing on the MEG Audit module in the app, the Action Planning tool and Insights Dashboard. Learn:

  • how advancements in mobile technology are finally making the jump from personal life to working life through a collaboration with healthcare leadership, frontline workers and health tech companies like MEG;

  • how cloud applications are making it easier for frontline workers to capture information, use dashboards to understand the data, collaborate on where improvements can be made and feel more invested in the quality improvement process with all necessary tools to hand';

  • create and delegate action plans and document evidence of the quality care process for stakeholders and regulators.

Upcoming Events & Conferences



21st - 23rd May

Royal Jaarbeurs, Utrecht,
The Netherlands

Where will you find us?
Stand number: 10



11th - 12th June

Manchester Central Convention Complex,
United Kingdom

Where will you find us?
Stand number: A33