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While some people are permanently attached to their phones, we understand that downloading and using apps is not an interpretive process for everyone. At MEG we develop our auditing apps to work on iPhone and Andriod phones / tablets (i.e. Samsung or Windows brands) which means you'll be downloading our apps from the iTunes store or Google Play stores depending on your device.

If you're already lost, we have created some quick start info videos to help you download and start auditing. We have also covered a number of other practical user related topics, such as 'recording and submitting a MEG hand hygiene audit' and 'creating a QIP with the MEG HIQA environment audit app'. If you want to start from the beginning, we suggest our video on how to 'login to the MEG audit app'.

You can access all of our help videos via the link below;

MEG's How to Videos

And if you have any technical support needs you can reach us here 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! | +35301 697 1579