Latest Customer Announcement - NHS Lothian

We are pleased to announce NHS Lothian as a new and valued member of our expanding client family. NHS Lothian has joined NHS institutions including Guys’ & St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust and Barnsley Hospital in using MEG’s all-in-one platform to digitise and manage their auditing processes from end-to-end.

NHS Lothian

Established in 2001, NHS Lothian is responsible for the City of Edinburgh, East Lothian, Midlothian and West Lothian. NHS Lothian oversees all Lothian health services including hospitals, GP and dental practices, community-based services and pharmacy. 

Quality, care and compassion are some of the core values demonstrated at NHS Lothian in the delivery of patient care by approximately 28,000 members of staff.

Why Choose MEG’s Digital Auditing Tool?

MEG is a user-friendly database where audit data can be input and displayed for local care assurance and safety purposes in real-time.

Within NHS Lothian the data can be extracted from MEG straight to the National Care Assurance Dashboard for Excellence in Care (CAIR), vastly reducing the data burden for frontline staff.

NHS Lothian recently enabled the audit app on its handheld devices, and this exciting development allows staff to make their audit observations much more quickly and easily.

Norma Dodds, Excellence in Care Lead Nurse, said: “The MEG system is aesthetically good to look at and allows easy identification of improvements that are required. This will allow the SCN’s to own their own story and understand their own data. It also identifies when things are going well and can be celebrated, as well as for sharing good practice.”

Steve Richer, Excellence in Care Project Officer, said: “Implementing a new system always has its challenges, but the user interface and functionality on MEG is so easy to understand that the rollout to staff has been remarkably stress-free. One thing which has stood out to me is just how responsive the customer team at MEG have been – they’re a pleasure to work with and are always keen to help in any way they can, including listening sympathetically to any requests for new features.”

The team at MEG are looking forward to working with NHS Lothian and continuing to support the health board in its vision for consistently high levels of quality care and patient safety.