Safety and the ‘Speak Up’ culture during the COVID-19 emergency


A joint statement released yesterday by the CQC, and shared with providers of health and adult social care for #NHSEngland, has thanked health and care staff all over England for their heroic responses to the many challenges facing them and the people they are caring for.

They reiterated that now, more than ever, safety remains a priority for the whole system to reduce the risk of avoidable harm to people by following safety systems, guidance and recommendations that ensure the right care is provided, as intended, every time and continuing to report safety incidents locally using professional and clinical judgement. They also emphasized the need to continue to learn from what works as well as what does not.

They asked all leaders of health and care services to support this by encouraging a supportive culture where people are free to speak up about risks and adverse outcomes.

A Speak Up culture is not just about encouraging workers to raise concerns: it is about listening to what they are saying, acting on the information and providing feedback.

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