Supporting our customers in their response to the COVID19 crisis

MEG - nurse wearing mask

Given the current and rapidly changing situation with regards to the spread of novel coronavirus and the associated COVID-19 disease, at MEG we’ve recognised the increased pressure on healthcare staff to:

  • efficiently onboard new or redeployed staff into IPC (Infection Prevention and Control) roles

  • carry out new types of risk and medical assessments

  • follow additional protocols, e.g. isolation or exposure protocols, new infection control requirements, audits)

  • have access to departmental guidance for patients with chronic conditions or on certain medications

As a digital quality management system for hospitals and clinics, we work closely with dedicated healthcare professionals from all around the world. In this time of crisis, we wanted to do our bit to help them in the only way we know how. 

In recent days, the MEG team have offered free setup and support of the following for customers preparing to tackle the pandemic:

  • COVID19-related content, e.g. risk and medical assessment pathways, contagion control protocols, occupational health guidelines:

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  • quality monitoring tools 

  • onboarding guidance and SOPs for staff redeployed into infection prevention and control roles

  • departmental (specialist) advice for COVID19 patients with chronic conditions or medication use:

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We understand this is a stressful and very dynamic situation; guidance and advice are regularly changing. We’re asking hospitals to let us help with any tools or guidelines that you would find useful to have fast, mobile (even when offline) access to.

We want to put the message out there to our customers to let us take that administrative burden off you at no charge.

We’ll add or update any app content you need, on your behalf, so your frontline staff can stay fully informed while focusing on patient care.

Customers can contact MEG’s Customer Support with any requirements they have - we’ll take care of the rest, with free access and support to anyone that needs it. To find out more email