Health 2.0 Ireland Meet-Up


Health and the Promise of Artificial Intelligence

Our founder, Kerrill, would like to invite you to the next Health 2.0 Meet-Up   Wednesday | January 17, 2018 | 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM | Google Offices, Dublin 4


Artificial Intelligence is set to transform the Digital Health ecosystem across a variety of fronts including creating and validating novel digital clinical endpoints, empowering the decision making ability of clinicians, profiling patients for particular treatments or trials, distinguishing between sub-types of diseases, developing patient-facing applications and improving clinician workflow. Health2.0 Dublin is bringing together experiences from those working in the field of data science, machine learning and advanced analytics to share their learnings as they move from ideating solutions through to delivery and implementation. At this meetup, we will hear experiences from the Irish ecosystem from across startups engaging with academia to multinationals defining the industry.

Kristian Marthinsen, Verily Ireland (, will talk about how Verily, a Google Alphabet company are working at the intersection of technology, data science and healthcare.

Eamonn Costello (, CEO Patient Mpower, will speak about "Putting the Cart after the horse. Developing clinical data sets and hypotheses before embarking on your machine learning journey." Eamonn will be discussing their experience of working with academia at the SFI Adapt Centre (Prof. Owen Conlan and Dr. Jason Wyse) and engaging governmental supports to embed machine learning into their approach at

Spyros Kotoulas, IBM Research (, will speak about designing and developing novel digital health solutions and Eoin Carroll, IBM Watson Health (, will discuss about translating these digital health solutions into practice.

Cathal Collier, Senior PM, The HSE’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (, will speak about the National Renal ICT System. This talk will focus on the overall system implementation, with particular regard to embedding business intelligence components.

Verily and Google Ireland are our hosts for this meetup and we are extremely grateful.

Please RSVP via Meet-Up by clicking below.  There is currently a waiting list, however, spaces may become available before Wednesday.

Want to know more about Health 2.0? | 087 394 9516