Health 2.0 Dublin Event

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Our CEO Kerrill, along with Health 2.0 Dublin and The Digital Hub are hosting an event this Monday 8th of May, as part of the ICIC conference on integrated care.

The latest Health2Dublin meetup is a fringe event for the International Conference on Integrated Care which is being held in Dublin for the 8-10th of May- โ€œBuilding a platform for integrated care: delivering change that matters to peopleโ€.

We will be hearing from international speakers sharing their experience and the latest evidence about integrating Public Health, Health and Social Care. This Health2Dublin meetup is a chance for people share their experiences and learn from international counterparts about what does and does not work for their healthcare system.

At the meetup we will hear from the following local and international experts on trends and international best practice in integrated care, followed by Q&A and a chance to exchange ideas and experience in one of Dublins favourite pubs.

1) Dr Aine Carroll, National Director Clinical Strategy and Programmes, HSE

2) Mark Allphin/ Jeremy Goff, Accountable Care, Population Health, & Precision Medicine: KLAS Enterprises:

3) Nuria Toro, Integrated Healthcare services, WHO: 'Strategies and lessons in delivering people centered health services'

4) Chad Boult, Professor of health policy & management, John Hopkins University: 'Reimbursement models in Healthcare' ; & Sue Sheridan: Director of Patient Engagement: 'PatientCentered Outcomes Research'

Event kicks-off at 8.30pm at the Stags Head pub, upstairs, on Monday 8th of May.