Dairy A to Z - We Have it Covered!


The National Dairy Council ‘ Dairy A to Z’ app is composed of nearly 200 questions and answers relating to dairy goodness including sections on; Nutrition, Health, Quality & Safety, Animal Welfare, Environment & Sustainability and Dairy Products.

In consultation with the National Dairy Council, MEG designed this tool to provide concise, factual information for users and we hope that it helps them discover the unique qualities of Irish dairy produce. For example, there is a comprehensive section on nutrition, which outlines the benefits of dairy for sports recovery, with protein, carbohydrate and fat content if you're tracking your macros. This section also covers recommendations for different live stages for families.

The app is exceptionally user-friendly and has an interpretive search function to find the exact information you're looking for.

Contact the National Dairy Council, Ireland on info@ndc.ie for username and password details and contact us here at MEG Support Tools info@medicaleguides.com if you have some industry guidelines that you'd like to distribute by mobile or tablet.