Complaints Dashboard (1)

Capture Every Voice Involved In Patient Care

Seamlessly gather feedback at every touchpoint, refining the patient experience

In today's healthcare landscape, understanding the patient's perspective is paramount. MEG’s platform ensures that every voice is heard (from patients and family, to carers and hospital staff), every concern is addressed, and every compliment is celebrated.


Driving Excellence in Patient Care Through Feedback

“From the beginning, we have been delighted with our relationship with MEG. MEG took the time to truly understand our complex business model and understand our needs. From the outset, the development team has been incredibly responsive, engaging, and accurate with their work.

Because of the quality solutions MEG provided us, we can now capture important patient feedback, aggregate those replies for overall assessment, and drill down to understand root causes of issues in a timely manner with up-to-the-minute data.”
— Brad May, Director, Reporting and Analytics Great Hearing Benefits, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.

Unlock Insights with Comprehensive Patient Feedback

Complaints Dashboard (2)

Real-Time Feedback Collection

Cater to every patient's preference with our versatile feedback collection methods, be it mobile, desktop, or even voice recordings.

  • Deploy surveys instantly across multiple touch points

  • User-friendly survey design for maximum responses

  • No account, login, or app download required for patients to provide feedback

  • Instant notifications for critical feedback

NPS Scoring with MEG
  • NPS (Net Promoter Score): A straightforward, insightful metric for gauging patient loyalty.

  • Provides actionable insights for focused enhancements in healthcare delivery.


Customisable surveys

Tailor each survey to your facility's unique needs with our user-friendly customisation tools.

  • Select, edit, and organise survey questions and format with ease

  • Diverse templates suitable for various healthcare scenarios

  • Smart question branching for a personalised survey experience

Action Planning for Patient Experience

User-friendly interface

Navigate and design your surveys effortlessly with our intuitive platform.

  • Seamless survey elements selection, editing, and organisation

  • Streamlined design ensures quick survey creation

  • Accessible for users of all tech-savviness levels

  • Launch multi-lingual feedback surveys through ‘Settings’



for patient experience teams

  • Harness patient feedback to deeply understand and improve every aspect of the patient journey.

  • Address specific concerns related to patient comfort, communication, and overall satisfaction.

  • Implement changes based on feedback to create a more patient-centric care environment, enhancing both patient trust and loyalty.

For Compliance Teams

  • Ensure your healthcare facility stays compliant with regulatory requirements by actively involving patient, family, carer and staff feedback.

  • Adhere to mandated response times and processes, ensuring timely and appropriate action on feedback.

  • Use built-in features that align with industry standards and best practices.


FOR quality improvement teams

  • Use comprehensive patient feedback to make informed decisions.

  • Analyse trends, allocate resources effectively, and shape future policies and improvement initiatives based on real patient insights.


  • Harness patient feedback to monitor and manage your organisation's reputation and potential risks.

  • Address negative feedback proactively, highlight positive testimonials, and use data-driven insights to mitigate potential issues and enhance patient satisfaction.


Unlock Patient Insights Now

Transform patient feedback into actionable insights effortlessly. Join us now and revolutionise your patient experience journey.