the Hospital
Beaumont Hospital is a large, 820-bed teaching hospital located in Beaumont, Dublin, Ireland. It is managed by RCSI Hospitals. Dr Fidelma Fitzpatrick is a Senior Lecturer with the Royal College of Physicians Ireland (RCSI) and a Consultant Microbiologist in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin.
The problem
The Antimicrobial Stewardship (AMS) team were having a problem striking a balance between how to monitor antibiotic use in the hospital to make sure antibiotics were being used wisely, and at the same time not spending all their time collecting data without an opportunity to feed back information to improve prescribing behaviours. In summary, the overall problem was antibiotic resistance!
the Solution
MEG’s mobile system allowed AMS team members to go on to a ward and audit the number of patients that were on antibiotics on that ward, get data on why they were being prescribed antibiotics, if it was the right dose and if they were getting it for long enough or too long.
With the press of a button, team members could also immediately bring up a report and show it to prescribers then and there. Where as, before, they would have had to collect data on paper, go back to the office, input data into a spreadsheet and then generate a report.
MEG’s digital solution for AMS teams helps speed up this process, so the AMS team members that are auditing antibiotic use don’t spend all their time collecting data but can now focus on feeding that data back to prescribers, which scientific evidence shows changes behaviour and improves prescribing.
“The quick data capture capability means I can now focus on providing data-driven feedback to prescribers in real-time, which is scientifically proven to help change behaviours and prescribing patterns.